Friday, April 18, 2014

An Update on My Health

This past Sunday I shared some important information about my health with our church. I wanted to take a moment and share some of my thoughts in writing with you as well.

(If you'd like to listen to the podcast of my announcement, it's at #8 on our podcast list and lasts about 12 mins - I ramble a little:-)

For approximately the last five years I've dealt with a condition known as Ulcerative Colitis. (You can read more about it here)  Basically, it means that my guts don't really work the way they should.  I've been under the care of several doctors and have been on numerous medications to try and control the condition.  Unfortunately, most of those medicines have failed to control my symptoms.

Over the last few weeks I've been in a full blown "flare-up" which has been very debilitating.  Last Friday, Jamie and I went to see my doctor.  He examined me and reviewed our previous courses of treatment.  His conclusion is that the only remaining effective course of treatment for me is to surgically remove my colon.

So, we met with the surgeon earlier this week and I am scheduled for surgery this Tuesday afternoon for what will be the first of eventually two operations.  Surgery will require a hospital stay of several days followed by at home recovery of about a month.

Obviously, this is a pretty intimidating moment, one which I had fought really hard to try and avoid.  The good news is that this surgery offers the potential to finally give a functional cure to what I've been battling for the last 5 years.  UC is extremely draining on my energy levels.  When the doctor first spoke about surgery he said "We want to give you your life back."

As my friends and church family, I'd like to ask you to do a couple of things for me and my family over the next few days and weeks.

1 - Pray - Pray for God's wisdom for my doctors and for supernatural miraculous intervention in my body.  Pray that we can get a resolution to this disease and that I can move forward in full strength.

2 - Show Up - If you call LifeGate home, I need you to physically be there on Sunday mornings for the next few weeks.  We'll have members of our oversight team as well as Pastor Michael and some others who will be sharing the teaching duties. 

Jesus said, on the night before he was crucified, "Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter."  I know that one of the devil's goals is to strike me and scatter you.  I need you to help me not let that happen over the next few weeks. 

3 - Continue to Invest and Invite - We frequently encourage you guys to invest at LifeGate with time and talent and treasure and to invite your unchurched friends and family to come experience what Jesus is doing at our church.  Keep doing that over the next few weeks.  This time between Easter and the end of the school year is a great season to see people come to Christ.  We're going to have some great speakers in our pulpit and God is going to do some great things.  Make sure that you bring other people along to experience it with you.

4 - Practical Stuff - There may be some practical ways that you can help out at church or even in encouraging our family for the next few weeks.  Check in with our leadership team (Michael, Kelsey and Greg, Tina) or even with Jamie and see if there is anything you can do.  We will need some help on Friday nights at 6:00 with setup for church, especially if you have a vehicle that can pull our church trailer.

I'm really hopeful that God is going to use this situation to work for our good.  I believe that I'll get a final resolution to these health problems that have been holding me back for so long.  And when I'm recovered in a few weeks I'm looking forward to moving full steam ahead with all that God wants to do at LifeGate!

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