- Our will becomes more submitted to God's will.
- God's supernatural power is released
- God reveals Himself
- We engage in spiritual warfare
I believe that as a church we are seeing these things begin to happen for us. I don't know about you, but I can almost feel my will being broken down in submission to the Lord. God is revealing himself to me and I believe to a lot of others in our congregation. And we are seeing God's power being released both in our lives and in the lives of people connected to LifeGate. I know that this is only the beginning of what God is wanting to do in our church in this year. And I'm excited about it.
I'm also excited because we are beginning to see physical signs of what is happening in spiritual warfare around us. Unfortunately, on Thursday night, one of our trailers, which we use to store and haul all of our church "stuff" in during the week, was stolen. Of the two trailers we have, the one taken held all of our children's ministry and cafe equipment. This is the second trailer theft we've been through in the last 14 months.
I started the previous paragraph by saying I'm excited. And honestly, I am. Yes, its frustrating that someone decided to steal from God's people. And it's a pain in the backside to go through the reports and insurance forms and all the hassle that a theft like this brings. But, I know that the timing of this theft, on the 11th day of a 21 day church fast, was not coincidental. God is at work and the enemy is also working to oppose, frustrate and distract. I know that as long as we maintain our focus on the Lord and on what He is doing and is calling us to do, God will work all of this together for good.
Last night one of our members was fired up about the theft. He wanted to help in some tangible way, which was awesome. My response was that the best way to help is show up on Sunday with your unchurched friends and family. The way we fight is by going after God with all of our heart and by introducing our friends and family to the life that only Jesus can give.
I'm excited about what God is doing and is getting ready to do at LifeGate!