This coming Sunday I get to do one of my favorite things as pastor. I get to baptize some people who've recently given their lives to Christ. Days when we do baptism at LifeGate are times of fun as we celebrate a friends new life in Jesus. In addition to being a lot of fun, baptism is a critically important step in the life of a new Christian. As we get ready for baptism this Sunday I thought I would share some of my thoughts on the importance of baptism. (These are taken from a message on baptism that I preached as part of our Wild Man series in 2010).
1. Baptism is Symbolic - Baptism is an outward demonstration of what happens to you spiritually when you surrender your life to Christ. It symbolizes the death of the old you and the rebirth into a whole new way of life with Jesus. Paul says it best in Romans 6:3-4 - Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
2. Baptism is for Believers - Every instance of baptism recorded in the book of Acts (the history of the early church) is of a person who has put their faith in Jesus.
3. Baptism is the First Step of Obedience - On the day of Pentecost, Peter tells the crowd to repent and be baptized and they will be saved. People have asked me if I believe that baptism is necessary for salvation. The answer I give them is "yes and no." I say no, simply because the thief on the cross had no opportunity to be baptized, but Jesus promised him Paradise. However, as you look at the rest of the New Testament, it becomes very clear that the expectation of a new believer is to be baptized as soon as possible. I believe it is in many ways a test of the heart. A truly repentant heart that has been regenerated by faith in Christ will want to be baptized.
4. Baptism is Public - When possible, baptism should be done publicly. It's a way of making a bold declaration that the old you is gone and that you are now living for Jesus.
On Sunday we'll be celebrating some changed lives at LifeGate Church. If you are a follower of Jesus and have never been baptized, I want to encourage you to take the plunge and make a bold statement that you're living your life for Him.