So summer's finally over, and with the end of summer comes the end of my long blogging drought. We had a good summer at LifeGate. Several of my church planting mentors and friends, guys who have built significant churches, told me that if we could survive through our first summer we could survive through anything. There were some Sunday's when our crowd was pretty spartan, but we made it through and now we're headed into what I believe is going to be a great time of growth and changing people's lives for eternity.
Our new fall series "Touchdown09" kicks off this coming Sunday. We're going to have a big tailgate party after church (weather permitting) with a Noah's Ark Bounce House for the kids and great free food. Throughout the six week series we'll be doing cool things around our football theme. If your looking for a church then you definitely need to come check us out over the next few weeks. It's going to be great.
Tonight I'm wrapping things up at the office (aka - my basement) and getting ready to head out to New York in the morning. A lot of people wonder what I do for my day job. Well, I work for a ministry called The Center for Spiritual Renewal, which doesn't tell people a lot. But we promote unity among evangelical and charismatic/Pentecostal believers, facilitate high level leadership retreats, and encourage people in the body of Christ to pray. I'm going to New York this week to do all of the above as part of our Cry Out America prayer initiative. On 9/11 we'll have prayer gatherings in over 730 counties around the nation. I'll be praying for America with other Christian leaders at Ground Zero. If you're in Lexington and want to be involved in Cry Out America, just go to the courthouse on Limestone at noon. You'll see a group of people there during the lunch hour praying for an Awakening in our nation. If you want more detail about what we're doing nationally, check it out at