Monday, May 11, 2009

Reflections on a Great Sunday

We had a great mother's day at LifeGate.  I shared a message from John 4 about the woman at the well as part of our "Looking for Hope" series.  God did some great stuff at the end of the message.  People were moved to tears as God worked on putting their broken hearts back together.  It was cool.  Kudos to Alea and the worship team for being obedient and really pressing in at the end of service.  

We also had some great Mother's Day gifts for everybody.  Hand crafted jewelry for every mother in the church, made by Bethany Boggan.  It was special.  My wife loved it.

This coming Sunday we'll be wrapping up our Looking for Hope series as we talk about looking for hope when life throws you a curveball.  Because of the LCA baccalaureate service, we'll be meeting in the LCA preschool cafeteria this Sunday.  It should be cool.  The school has assured me that we'll have adult size chairs for everyone to sit it:-)

One other thing.  I had promised to post a link to an unbelievable testimony from Shaun King, a native of Lexington who just launched Courageous Church in Atlanta.  Take a minute to check out this amazing miracle here.  It'll make your day. 

Friday, May 1, 2009

When You're Down To Your Last Dime

We've gone through some tough financial times as a nation over the last few months.  Tough times are nothing new as we live in a world that sees financial ups and downs all the time.  The Bible is full of stories of God's provision in tough times.  This past Sunday we talked about the widow who was down to her last pack of Ramen noodles (ok, it was actually flour and oil, but I'm trying to be culturally relevant).  God came through in a big way for her, when others around her were being ruined.

We also looked at 7 financial principles which we can use to order our financial house that can be found in the Word of God.  Allow me to share them with you.

  1. Remember that God is Our Source:  Deut 8:18 tells us that God gives us the power to obtain wealth.  God is the source of all of our talents, abilities and opportunities.  All that we have comes from him.
  2. Put God First:  From the beginning of Genesis through the New Testament, God requires those who follow Him to put Him first.  This is a principle that should apply to every area of our life, including finances.  Proverbs 3:9-10 tells us that when we honor God with our wealth our storehouses will overflow.  In my life, this means that the first check that I write after getting paid is my tithe check.
  3. Be a Steward:  God has entrusted you with the money that you have.  He expects you to manage it well.  When you are trustworthy over a little bit, you can be trusted with more.  Luke 16
  4. Have Integrity:  Pay your bills and meet your obligations, even when it hurts.
  5. Get Out and Stay Out of Debt:  Proverbs tells us that the borrower is slave to the lender.  If you've ever been buried in credit card debt, you know exactly what the Bible is talking about.  Quit working for MasterCard and Visa and get out of the slavery that is debt.
  6. Save:  Proverbs 21:20 - "A foolish man devours all he has"  How many of us live from paycheck to paycheck without ever putting anything aside.  The Bible says that is a foolish way to live.  Put money aside so that when something unexpected happens you can handle it without going into debt.
  7. Be Generous:  God is a giver.  He gave the best thing that he had:  His Son.  We should be generous because God has changed our hearts.  And as we bless others, we ourselves will be blessed.
Stay tuned, because sometime over the next few months we'll be tackling financial issues in greater depths at LifeGate Church.